Comments written by employees are available in a number of places, including the Overview Report, the Detailed Report by Issue, the Actions Report and the Comments Report.
This article focuses on the latter report as it includes all the comments you have access to.
To access it, click on Results and then on Comments.
Use the filters specific to this report
At the top of the page, filters allow you to display the results according to what you are looking for:
Here's how to use the different filter options:
Rating: Allows you to filter according to whether the result is positive, neutral, negative or not applicable.
Not applicable is indicated when an employee answers an open-ended question or does not give a rating.
Metrics: Allows you to classify the comments according to the desired factor.
Labels: Allows you to apply a filter to the comments based on your labels (see below to understand this function)
Filter by period: The comments displayed in the report are those submitted during the selected period.
N.B. If your company has more than one survey, select the survey you wish to analyze at the top right of the page.
What do the ratings in the comments mean?
All comments contain the date the survey was completed, the category the question belongs to, and a colored band to the left of the question that allows you to quickly target the type of response you are looking for.
Color codes are associated with each comment according to the score given by the employee. The text written by the employee has no influence on the associated color:
Here is what the colors mean:
Red: Unfavorable or negative ratings
Yellow: Neutral notes
Green: Favorable or positive notes
Grey: This color is assigned to all comments in text format or where the employee has not given a score to the question. It is then a non-rated comment, i.e. not applicable.
What are comment tags and how do I use them?
Comment tags allow you to classify comments according to your own interests so that you can easily return to them later. Here are examples of scenarios where managers and leaders classify comments:
These different scenarios lead to the retrieval of old comments at appropriate times. To help you find useful comments when needed, labels can be assigned to each comment during your analysis.
To add a label, hover over a comment with your mouse pointer and click on the following icon to add labels.
When the menu opens, you can create a label type or assign an existing one.
Notes on labels