The eNPS score/ Identifying the level of employee pride

The eNPS score/ Identifying the level of employee pride

 The eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) identifies the level of employee pride in your organization.

The question "Would you recommend ABC Inc as a good place to work?" helps to separate employees into those who are promoters of your company, those who are passive and those who are detractors. 

  1.  Employees with a score of 6 or less are detractors, people who will not recommend your organization or even speak negatively about it.
  1.  Employees who answered 7 or 8 are passive, i.e., people who are generally satisfied with their jobs, but are not particularly proud of them. They will generally not promote it to their friends and acquaintances.
  1.  Employees who answered 9 or 10 are promoters, people who are proud to work for your organization and who will talk about it in a very positive way around them.

The calculation of eNPS is: % of promoters - % of detractors. Passives are excluded from the calculation. An eNPS score greater than 0 means that your organization has more promoters than detractors.


Here is how technically the eNPS graph is defined in Amélio:

In the center of the graph, the eNPS is 0. The center is yellow since this means that employees are mostly passive with respect to the company or that there are as many promoters as detractors. It is therefore an acceptable score, but one that requires rapid improvement.

The scale tends towards green from the moment the eNPS becomes positive. The maximum scale of the graph is 50. Although the eNPS is calculated between -100 and +100, the scale of the graph ends at 50 since it is usually a high score.

The scale starts at red (for -50) and moves towards yellow until it reaches the midpoint of 0. 

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