Frequent questions
Are dates of birth and employment required?
Dates are optional in Amélio. They are mainly used to compare the results according to the different groups of employees. The platform will automatically group employees into the correct age and seniority range and move the employee to a different ...
How is your team defined in Amélio?
Your team is defined according to your preferences in your team definition. This definition will be used to inform you when news comes up in your team and you can choose the news that matters to you. Team preferences are used to send notifications in ...
I have modified an employee's profile, but the results are not updated
Once you have built your employee list, it is possible that errors may have occurred and some employees may not be assigned to the correct department, manager or other demographic attribute. These errors can be easily corrected by editing an ...
An employee did not receive the survey or a manager did not receive the activation email
Occasionally, an employee will report that they did not receive their survey or account activation email. This usually occurs for one of these reasons: The message was intercepted by the anti-spam filter; The email address entered in Amélio is ...